

(FN537, Reviewed August 2022)

猎鸟对猎人来说是一种挑战,如果每一步处理得当,就能得到一顿美味的大餐. 猎禽有各种独特的味道,是极好的蛋白质来源, similar in these respects to domestic birds. 脂肪和卡路里含量因鸟的年龄和种类而异.

Lead Author
Lead Author:
Julie Garden-Robinson, Ph.D., R.D., L.R.D., Food and Nutrition Specialist, NDSU Extension Service
Other Authors

Martin Marchello, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus, Department of Animal Sciences, NDSU

Web only
Publication Sections

Shoot for the Sky

猎鸟对猎人来说是一种挑战,如果每一步处理得当,就能得到一顿美味的大餐. 猎禽有各种独特的味道,是极好的蛋白质来源, similar in these respects to domestic birds. 脂肪和卡路里含量因鸟的年龄和种类而异.

野禽如果处理不当,可能会被细菌或胃液污染. 肉中可能会产生异味,你患食源性疾病的风险可能会增加. For optimum eating quality, remember the following handling tips during hunting, storage and food preparation.

New considerations with Wild game Birds

由于可能存在西尼罗病毒(WNV),一些猎人正在质疑野生动物的安全性。. 根据美国疾病控制与预防中心(CDC)的数据,, 几乎没有证据表明公众因处理或食用受感染的禽鸟而感染西尼罗河病毒. 但是,请考虑使用以下常识性预防措施:

  • 野外包扎和清洗禽鸟时,戴上乳胶/橡胶手套.
  • Do NOT harvest and eat sick or abnormal acting birds.
  • 将野禽完全煮熟,使其内部温度至少达到华氏165度.

接触蚊子的猎人应根据标签说明在衣服和皮肤上涂抹驱虫剂, too.

For more information on West Nile virus, visit this Web Site.


Care in the Field and in Transport

Be prepared for the hunt.

  • Remember to bring a sharp hunting knife, a steel or whetstone, light rope or nylon cord, plastic bags, clean cloths or paper towels, and a cooler filled with ice.


Field dress the bird promptly.

  • Remove the entrails and crop as soon as possible, because the grain in the crop may ferment if not removed.
  • The heart and liver may be saved for giblets. 储存在一个塑料袋在冰上,以保持清洁和寒冷.
  • 按照国家狩猎条例的要求在鸟身上留下识别标志.
  • The birds may be plucked or skinned in the field. 如果你拔了鸟,带一个塑料袋来储存羽毛.

迅速冷却胴体以保留味道并保持禽类的品质. 40华氏度以上的温度是肉类最大的敌人.

  • Wipe out the cavity with a clean cloth or paper towel. 不要用草或雪,因为这会污染胴体.
  • 将禽鸟悬挂或放置在通风良好的地方,让禽鸟体内的空气流通.
  • 在炎热的天气里,把鸟单独放在塑料袋里,放在冰上.
  • Do not pile warm birds in a mass.
  • Store the birds in a cooler or ice chest out of the sun.

Keep the birds cool during transport.

  • The best way to store birds is in a cooler on ice. If this is not possible, 保持汽车通风良好,把鸟放在后座或地板上.
  • 不要把它们放在箱子里运输,因为封闭的空间不允许热量从鸟身上逸出.

Care in Processing and Storage

Don’t cross-contaminate during processing.

  • 用热肥皂水清洗双手、刀和砧板,并彻底冲洗干净.
  • When preparing ducks, remove the wings by cutting them off at the joints, remove the head, and pluck out the pin feathers. 可以用热水(145华氏度)烫掉羽毛。. 将有羽毛的鸟浸入石蜡/热水混合物中,可以去除针羽和羽绒. After the wax hardens, the feathers may be scraped off.
  • When preparing upland birds, such as grouse, pheasant, quail and partridge, 剥皮或拔下鸡皮,在冷水中浸泡一到两个小时,去除多余的血液.

Birds generally do not require aging.

  • If you wish to age birds, 在略高于冰点的温度下保存两到三天可以增加肉的嫩度.

For immediate use, 禽鸟应存放在40华氏度或以下的冰箱内,并在三天内用完. 为了长期储存,整个清洗过的胴体或个别部分可以在0华氏度或更低的温度下冷冻.

  • Freeze meat while it is fresh and in top condition.
  • 包装部分而不是整只鸟的优点是,可以通过切割或用冷水冲洗来消除血斑. Parts also fit conveniently in your freezer. 部分可以去骨,胴体和颈部可以用作汤底.
  • 使用防潮/防蒸汽包装,如涂满蜡的冷冻包装, laminated freezer wrap, 重型铝箔或冷冻重量的聚乙烯袋.
  • Wrap tightly, pressing out as much air as possible.
  • Label the packages with the content and date.
  • Use frozen packages within a year.

Care in Preparation

Thaw birds in the refrigerator or microwave.

  • Microwave-thawed food should be cooked immediately. Other thawed meat should be used within one to two days.
  • Keep raw food and cooked food separate.

The age of the bird determines the cooking method. 野味必须彻底煮熟,使其内部温度至少达到华氏165度. The juices should run clear and no pinkness should remain.

  • 幼鸟有较轻的腿,柔软的胸骨和灵活的喙. 老鸟的腿颜色较深,皮肤坚硬,胸骨易碎,喙不灵活.
  • Game birds may be prepared like chicken. 干烹饪方法,如煎炸,适合幼鸟. 潮湿的烹饪方法,如炖或炖,适合年龄较大的鸟.
  • 为了减少一些野生动物的独特味道,尽可能多地削去脂肪.
  • Older or skinned birds may become dry during baking. 你可能想用培根包住这些鸟,以防止它们变干.
  • Remove stuffing from the bird prior to refrigerating, 因为填料是微生物很好的生长介质.
  • 一到两天内用完剩菜,或者冷冻起来备用.

For further information, see:

  • 鹿和麋鹿从野外到餐桌的护理和处理袖珍指南(FN536)
  • 鱼从溪到餐桌的护理及处理袖珍指南(FN535)
  • Wild Side of the Menu No. 1 - Care and Cookery (FN124)
  • Wild Side of the Menu No. 2 - Field to Freezer (FN125)
  • Wild Side of the Menu No. 3 - Preservation of Game Meats and Fish (FN155)
  • Sausage Production in the Home - An Art (FN176)
  • Food Freezing Guide (FN403)

Reviewed November 2017

NDSU Extension