
Healthwise for Guys: Colon Cancer

(FN1871, Revised November 2023)
Julie Garden-Robinson, Ph.D., R.D., L.R.D., 食物与营养 Specialist

Michelle Steppan, Dietetic Intern (former)



1. What dietary habit has been linked to a lower risk of colon cancer?

a. 吃很多肉

b. 吃很多鱼

c. 多吃纤维

d. 多吃奶制品

2. Which of the following foods are good sources of fiber? (圈出所有适用的内容)

a. 水果

b. 蔬菜

c. 豆类和其他豆类

d. 全谷物

3. At what age should most men and women begin screening for colon cancer?

a. 30

b. 40

c. 50

d. 60

答案:1. c; 2. a, b, c, d; 3. c


Colon cancer is caused by nonstop and unnecessary cell growth in the colon (also known as the large intestine). This growth can result in cancerous tumors. Early detection is key to survival, and several methods can be used for testing.

  • A colonoscopy is a testing procedure in which a doctor examines the colon with a camera, checking for polyps and cancer cells.
  • A blood stool test (such as FOBT or FIT) is an at-home test that checks for hidden blood in stool. Blood in the stool can be an early sign of colon cancer.

How common is colon cancer?

The American Cancer Society estimated that more than 71,000 men would be diagnosed with new cases of colon cancer in 2017 in the U.S. Colon cancer is the second leading cause of cancer deaths for American men, 超过27个,150 men with colon cancer were not expected to survive in 2017.

Should I get a colonoscopy?

I have irritable bowel disease.oo
I have a family history of colon or prostate cancer.oo
Sometimes I notice blood in my stool.oo
I often experience stomach pain/discomfort.oo
My bowel movements have changed and now I often am constipated.oo
My stool is suddenly loose and 水y.oo
I am 45 years old (or older).oo

* Even one “是的” indicates you could be at risk for colon cancer. Check with your health-care provider about your screening options.


  • Reduce your intake of foods that are high in saturated fats such as processed meats (hotdogs, 牛肉干, ham) and high-fat dairy (butter, 全脂牛奶).
  • Eat foods that are high in fiber such as beans and other legumes, 蔬菜, 水果和全谷物.

Men up to age 50 should aim for 38 grams of fiber in their daily diet. Men 50 or older should aim for 30 grams of fiber in their daily diet. Increase fiber intake slowly to avoid gas and

高纤维食物Grams of fiber per ½ cup, cooked每日摄入量% *

* Percent Daily Value is based on a 30-gram daily recommendation


These recipes were selected because many of their ingredients are associated with reducing the risk for cancer.


  • c. =杯
  • 汤匙. =汤匙
  • 茶匙. =茶匙
  • oz. =盎司
  • lb. 英镑=
  • G =克
  • 毫克



2汤匙. 菜籽油
1 c. 碎芹菜
1 c. 去皮胡萝卜碎
8 c. 蔬菜汤
2茶匙. 干马郁兰叶
1½ c. 干的绿豌豆

Heat 石油 in heavy large pot or Dutch oven over medium-high heat. Add onion, celery and carrots. Sauté until 蔬菜 begin to soften, about eight minutes. Add marjoram; stir one minute. Add peas, then broth and bring to b石油. Reduce heat to medium-low. Partially cover pot; simmer soup until 蔬菜 are tender and peas fall apart (about one hour), 不断搅拌.

做六份. Each serving has 260 calories, 5克脂肪, 13克蛋白质, 42克碳水化合物, 14 g fiber and 220 mg sodium.



2 (15-oz.)罐装黑豆*
2 (15-oz.)罐装芸豆*
2 (15-oz.)罐装黄油豆*
1 (15-oz.我可以吃西红柿丁
1 (6-oz.罐装番茄酱
1 (1.25-oz.) packet reduced-sodium chili seasoning
1汤匙. 石油
1 medium yellow onion, minced
1 small jalapeño, seeds removed and diced (optional)
2茶匙. vegetable bouillon plus 2 c. 水

*将豆子沥干并洗净. 拨出. 在大锅里加热油. Add diced yellow onion, jalapeno and garlic, then sauté until the onions turn clear. B石油 2 cups of 水 on the stove or in the microwave. Once b石油ing, add 2 teaspoons of the vegetable bouillon until completely dissolved. Combine all can ingredients into a large slow cooker followed by the onion, garlic and jalapeno mixture, 然后是肉汤. Add the chili seasoning and mix well. Leave slow cooker on high for approximately 45 minutes or until chili reaches a desirable temperature.

做15份. Each serving has 200 calories, 2.5克脂肪, 11 g protein, 36 g carbohydrates, 10 g fiber and 390 mg sodium.



½ c. 橄榄油
1/3 c. 白葡萄酒醋
1茶匙. 辣椒粉
1 lb. 罗马番茄,切丁
1 (15-oz.黑眼豌豆罐头
1 (15-oz.)可以黑豆*
2 c. 冷冻玉米
½ c. 青甜椒,切丁
½ c. 红甜椒切丁
1 c. 香菜,切碎
2汤匙. 糖

*将豆子沥干并洗净. 拨出. In a large bowl, whisk together the 橄榄油, 糖, 白葡萄酒醋 and 辣椒粉. Add tomatoes, black-eyed peas, beans, corn, red onion and bell peppers. 搅拌均匀. 加入香菜搅拌. Cover and chill at least one hour or overnight to blend flavors. Serve chilled or at room temperature.

做16份. Each serving has 140 calories, 8 g fat, 4 g protein, 16 g carbohydrate, 4 g fiber and 50 mg sodium.


看到 www.ag.hzjly.net/healthwiseforguys for more information about men’s health.