
Healthwise For Women: Colon Cancer

(FN1905, Revised November 2023)

According to the American Cancer Society, colon cancer is the third most common cause of cancer deaths for men and women in the U.S. One in 24 women and one in 22 men will develop colorectal cancer in their lifetime.

Julie Garden-Robinson博士.D., R.D., L.R.D., 食物与营养 Specialist

Michelle Steppen, Dietetic Intern (former)



  1. 真或假: Eating a diet higher in fiber may lower the risk for colon cancer.
  2. 真或假: Fruits, 蔬菜, beans/legumes and whole grains are good sources of fiber.
  3. 真或假: Adults should begin screening for colon cancer at age 45.



Colon cancer is caused by nonstop and unnecessary cell growth in the colon (also known as the large intestine). This growth can result in cancerous tumors. Early detection is key to survival, and several methods can be used for testing.

  • A colonoscopy is a testing procedure in which a doctor examines the colon with a camera, checking for polyps and cancer cells.
  • A blood stool test (such as FOBT or FIT) is an at-home test that checks for hidden blood in stool. Blood in the stool can be an early sign of colon cancer.


According to the American Cancer Society, colon cancer is the third most common cause of cancer deaths for men and women in the U.S. One in 24 women and one in 22 men will develop colorectal cancer in their lifetime.


I have irritable bowel disease.oo
I have a family history of colon or prostate cancer.oo
Sometimes I notice blood in my stool.oo
I often experience stomach pain/discomfort.oo
My bowel movements have changed and now I often am constipated.oo
My stool is suddenly loose and watery.oo
I am 45 years old (or older).oo

* Even one “是的” indicates you could be at risk for colon cancer. Check with your health-care provider about your screening options.


  • Reduce your intake of foods that are high in saturated fats such as processed meats (hotdogs, 牛肉干, ham) and high-fat dairy (黄油, 全脂牛奶).
  • Eat foods that are high in fiber such as beans and other legumes, 蔬菜, 水果和全谷物.

Women should aim for 25 grams of fiber in their daily diet. Increase fiber intake slowly to avoid gas and drink plenty of water.

高纤维食物每克纤维 ½ 杯,煮熟每日摄入量% *

* Percent Daily Value is based on a 30-gram daily recommendation


These recipes were selected because many of their ingredients are associated with reducing the risk for cancer.


n c. =杯

n盎司. =盎司

n汤匙. =汤匙

n茶匙. =茶匙

N g =克

N mg =毫克



1汤匙. 橄榄油


1 15-oz. can black beans, drained and rinsed

1 15-oz. 炸豆罐头

1 c. 酸奶油,不含脂肪

¼ c. 切碎的新鲜香菜

1 jalapeno, seeded and minced

1 c. shredded cheddar cheese, divided

1茶匙. 孜然


1 c. 墨西哥菜酱


预热烤箱至350华氏度. Heat 橄榄油 in a large skillet over medium heat. Add onions to skillet and sauté until tender and translucent, about two minutes. 拨出. In a large mixing bowl, add beans, sour cream, cilantro, jalapeno, 孜然, cooled onions, ½ c. shredded cheddar cheese, and 盐 and pepper to taste. 搅拌均匀. Stuff each tortilla with bean filling and roll. Place each enchilada in a baking dish. Pour 墨西哥菜酱 on top of enchiladas. Sprinkle remaining cheese over the enchiladas. Bake in oven for about 20 minutes, until cheese is melted and enchiladas are heated through. 用香菜装饰.

做8份. Each (½ enchilada) serving has 260 calories, 11克脂肪, 30克碳水化合物, 3 g fiber and 270 mg sodium.

Slow Cooker Harvest Apple Crisp

Slow Cooker Harvest Apple Crisp


¾ c. 红糖(或按口味)

2茶匙. 肉桂、分裂

1茶匙. 柠檬汁

3 c. 燕麦片

⅛茶匙. 盐

5汤匙. 黄油

After apples have been washed, core, slice and place them into a large bowl. 在苹果上撒½c. 红糖,1茶匙. 肉桂柠檬汁. 搅拌混合. Place the apple mixture in the bottom of the slow cooker. In the same large bowl, combine oats, remaining brown sugar and cinnamon, and 盐. 搅拌至完全混合. Cut the 黄油 into the bowl and stir, forming a sandlike texture. The mixture will have small chunks of 黄油, which is normal. Sprinkle the mixture on top of the apples. Turn the slow cooker on high and cook for two hours with the cover on. After two hours, remove the lid of the slow cooker and continue to cook for another hour. Serve with Greek yogurt or ice cream of your choosing.

做12份. Each servings has 230 calories, 6 g fat, 4 g protein, 41 g carbohydrate, 5 g fiber and 25 mg sodium.



4 c. old-fashioned oats, uncooked

6汤匙. 蜂蜜

½ c. 亚麻籽

1 c. 麸谷类

1 c. 葡萄干

¼ c. 菜籽油

Pour all ingredients into a 6-quart slow cooker and mix well. Put the cover on a little bit askew and cook on low for about three hours, stirring occasionally. Let cool on parchment paper and store in an airtight container for one to two weeks.

做24份. Each (¼ cup) serving has 130 calories, 4克脂肪, 3g蛋白质, 23克碳水化合物, 2克纤维和10毫克钠.

看到 www.ag.hzjly.net/healthwiseforwomen for more information about women’s health.
