
Students share their NDSU experiences

毕业典礼是一个珍惜在新大留下的回忆,庆祝毕业生为达到这一重要学术里程碑所取得的成就的时刻. Spring commencement ceremonies are set for Saturday, May 11, in the 法戈dome. 安排了两场仪式.

10美元.m. 典礼将为文理学院和健康与人文科学学院的毕业生举行. 2p.m. 仪式 will be for graduates in the College of Agriculture, Food Systems and Natural Resources; College of Business; College of Engineering; and Interdisciplinary Studies.

凯拉琼斯, a graduate student earning her Master of Education with an emphasis on higher education, was selected class representative to address the 10 a.m. 仪式. 对此阮, a microbiological sciences major, was selected class representative to address the 2 p.m. 仪式. 

室内设计专业的学生摩根·尼米勒(摩根Niemiller)被选为10a的候补发言人.m. 仪式和卡特里娜·迪茨, a civil engineering and Spanish double major, was selected as the alternate speaker for the 2 p.m. 仪式. 

Read what these students will miss most about NDSU, how their education has set them up for success and more. 


Jones smiling in commencement outfit

家乡: St. 路易斯,密苏里州

What will you miss most about NDSU?
I will miss the opportunities here. There always is something happening and I want to be a part of it all.

What was your most memorable NDSU experience?
我最喜欢的记忆之一是在NDSU图书馆组织黑人美国展览. 这次展览是由黑人学生协会的成员组织的,我们为此付出了很多心血. 每个想法都是不可思议的,把它们组合在一起,看着它变成现实,真是太棒了.

How did NDSU set you up for success after graduation?
I have had a wealth of opportunities here that have not only prepared me for a career, but prepared me for how to be a professional. 在这里,我对自己和我的激情有了很多了解,教职员工也为我提供了空间,让我在专业和个人方面探索这些激情. I feel ready to jump into work after graduation, I am excited for it.

The amount of good people doing good work. 真正关心学生并以最好的方式表现出来的人的数量是压倒性的.

Who was your favorite professor? 为什么?
•拉森. I had creative writing with her and I was quite shy at that point. She noticed my work and personally told me it mattered. 从那时起, she kept up with me and all my work and I rediscovered my passion for writing because of her.



Nguyen smiling in commencement gown

家乡: 法戈

What will you miss most about NDSU?
I will miss interacting with the NDSU community the most. 同学们, 组织成员, 工作人员, 教职员工和我经常接触的人都让我在新大度过了最愉快的时光, memorable and rewarding years of my life.

What was your most memorable NDSU experience?
我在新大最难忘的经历是和我的俱乐部成员一起策划和主持亚洲学生组织的2024年农历新年庆祝活动. Being a part of putting together something that connected students, 工作人员, faculty and community members while sharing our culture will be forever unforgettable.

How did NDSU set you up for success after graduation?
NDSU为我提供了与不同背景和观点的人合作的机会,为我的成功奠定了基础. 我学到了一些技能,这些技能将对我未来成为一名医疗服务提供者的努力和实践有很大的帮助.

What will you miss about campus?
I will miss watching the campus actively growing and developing as the years progress. 所有的新项目, 在过去几年里发生的空间和项目真的很好,我迫不及待地想看到这种增长是如何继续的.

I think the people of the campus and the 法戈 community are what make NDSU special. Being in a relatively small city and state, NDSU is a huge aspect of the culture. 这座城市弥漫着对野牛的自豪感,人们支持野牛群的热情在这所大学尤为强烈. 



Niemiller smiling in commencement gown

家乡: 法戈

What will you miss most about NDSU?
I definitely will miss my classmates the most. I’m super close with so many amazing people. 室内设计是一个紧密结合的群体,如果我说我不会因为我们所有人都要分道扬镳而感到有点难过,那我就是在撒谎. 但我非常兴奋地看到每个人都去了哪里,我期待着未来能和他们在一起.

What was your most memorable NDSU experience?
我最难忘的NDSU经历是和我的同学一起去明尼阿波利斯参观建筑和设计公司. It was very informative and such a fun time. We got to explore the city and see what our future jobs could be like.

How did NDSU set you up for success after graduation?
NDSU set me us for success in many academic ways, like helping me build a resume and allowing me to network, but NDSU also allowed me to find my personal values and become a well-rounded person.

What is your best advice for freshmen entering NDSU?
参与. Your first year is a time to explore campus, get to know people and try new things. You never know what you might enjoy if you don’t get involved.

NDSU is special because of the people. There are so many working hands behind the scenes. 教授们的特别之处在于他们对教育的奉献,学生们的特别之处在于使它成为一个如此热情的校园.

毕业后,我计划在Zerr Berg建筑事务所担任全职室内设计师,在那里我将与客户合作,并将他们的空间带入生活. I will also be getting married to my high school sweetheart over the summer.


Dietz smiling in commencement gown

家乡: 北达科他州梅普尔顿

What will you miss most about NDSU?
I will miss the people I have spent every day with for the last few years. 不管是我的同学, 教师或教授, there is such a strong sense of belonging on campus. 我们系总是说我们是一家人,毕业后我会想念新大的这个家.

What was your most memorable NDSU experience?
我最喜欢的记忆之一是帮助设计和走在工程大使的返校花车旁边. It was so fun to see the incredible community that supports NDSU. 成千上万的学生, 校友和家属聚集在大学大道上,为每个组织的花车加油. 

How did NDSU set you up for success after graduation?
通过课程, extracurricular involvement and internships I feel very confident stepping into the workforce. 我在系里的课程向我介绍了土木工程的每一个学科,并帮助我确定了我所热爱的工作类型. 参与女性工程师协会和工程大使帮助我培养了领导力和自信等在课堂上教不到的特质. 最后, 在NDSU招聘会闲逛之后,我找到了我的实习机会(很快就会变成一份全职工作). 

你最喜欢的课是什么? 为什么?
I would have to say my senior design class this spring. 该项目结合了我们在过去几年所学到的所有课堂知识,并允许我们将其乐虎集团到法戈-Moorhead地区的当前基础设施项目中. 这个小组项目确实鼓励解决问题和创新,这与我们将在行业中所做的工作非常相似. 也, 我们有客座讲师来谈论与追求成功事业相关的不同主题.

What is a lesson you learned as a student that you’ll take with you?
Step out of your comfort zone and try new things. 如果你不尝试更广泛的事物,你就无法知道你对什么充满激情. Make any opportunity you receive into a learning opportunity.  The worst that can happen is you learn that something isn’t your favorite. 建立自信,走出自己的舒适区,利用周围发生的事情,是我学到的最好的一课. 

I will be working as a transportation engineer at Ulteig in 法戈.

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