Career Outlook
Average Salary
Projected Regional Growth
  • Data Analyst
  • Business Consultant
  • Development Director
  • Internship Director
  • Financial Advisor
  • Entrepreneur
  • Social Media Manager
  • Risk Manager
  • Graduate School
  • Law School

For individuals who


Looking for

Internship opportunities, 动手学习和熟练的商业知识,使你成为你的职业的顶端. 

To become

  • Sales Representative
  • Project Manager
  • Human Resources Manager
  • Logistics Manager
  • Marketing Manager

Background Information

美国高等商学院协会(AACSB International)对乐虎电子(NDSU)商学院的本科和研究生课程进行认证。. 我们的商学院是北达科他州仅有的两所aacsb认证的商学院之一.

AACSB国际是高等教育最负盛名和最严格的认证机构之一, emphasizing a commitment to continuous improvement, innovation, engagement, and impact in business education. 全球只有不到10%的商业项目获得了这一认证, 突出了新大商学院的卓越学术成就.

The Program

管理专业是一个四年制课程,包括通识教育, pre-major course work, fundamental business knowledge (accounting, finance, management, marketing, and information systems), international exposure, and in-depth management-specific courses. 管理专业的学生也可以选择人力资源管理或供应链管理,以提高他们的专业技能和知识. 该计划培养重要的商业技能和管理能力,包括规划, organizing, problem-solving, analytical ability, communication, teamwork, and leadership. 因此,管理专业的学生准备在商业企业和非营利组织的不断发展的景观中领导和执行.

Selective Admission

希望在新大学习管理的学生在大一的第一学期注册为商学院的管理预科学生. 进入该专业需要成功完成专业预科课程要求(engl120), COMM 110, MATH 144, ECON 201 or 202, 和PSYC 111或SOC 110)和最低累积平均绩点(GPA) 2.50. 转学生也可能有资格立即进入该专业. 联系商学院的专业顾问获取更多信息.

The Faculty

为我们的学生提供严谨和相关的教育经验, 我们课程的教师在各自的专业领域都是高素质的. 我们的教师因其卓越的教学而受到学生和同事的认可,并因其杰出的研究而受到同行的认可. 他们采用各种各样的教学技术,并将经典和前沿知识融入他们的课堂. 他们通过积极参与研究和/或与公司和商业专业人士就其管理实践保持在各自领域的最新水平, business challenges and issues.

The Practicum/Internship

鼓励管理专业学生完成实习经验, ideally at the end of sophomore and junior years. 本课程旨在让学生将课堂上所学的管理理念与实际的商业环境结合起来,拓宽他们在课堂之外的视野. 实习也让学生在就业方面具有竞争优势.

Career Opportunities

管理专业的毕业生在商界有就业机会, industry, government service, and the non-profit sector, both regionally and globally. 管理专业的就业机会非常重要,因为管理职能存在于每一种类型的企业和组织中, whether manufacturing or service, small- or large-sized, for-profit or not-for-profit. Major job categories include human resources, supply chain/operations, project management, product/service management, and general management.

The College

In addition to the management major, 商学院开设会计本科专业, business administration, finance, global business (second major only), marketing, management information systems, and supply chain management, as well as several minors and certificates. 有关未成年人和证书的详细信息可在以下网站找到 商学院还提供包括工商管理硕士在内的六个研究生课程, MBA in Agribusiness, Master of Accountancy, Master of Science in Business Analytics, Master of Supply Chain Management, and a Doctorate in Transportation and Logistics, as well as several graduate certificates. 有关研究生证书课程的详细信息可在

High School Preparation

建议对大学管理感兴趣的高中生至少通过微积分预科学习数学课程. 高中的社会科学、沟通和英语选修课也会有帮助. 已圆满完成微积分先修课程的学生, Economics, English, Communication, 心理学或社会学可以立即符合入学条件. 请向商学院的专业顾问咨询更多信息.

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