


The 植物病理学 Department at NDSU has research projects on the important diseases of major crops. 研究 projects cover root rots, 头严重, 叶的疾病, 茎锈病, leaf rust and viruses of cereals as well as diseases of canola, 干食用豆, 亚麻, 土豆, 大豆, 甜菜, 向日葵, urban forestry and shelter belts.

The faculty has expertise in host-parasite genetics, microbiological ecology, 流行病学, 组织培养, molecular biology, genetic resistance, 线虫学, 细菌学, 真菌学, virology and electron microscopy. The 植物病理学 Department faculty has been successful in developing management practices and controls for major diseases.

NDSU plant pathologists are constantly improving control programs to meet market demands, address environmental concerns and apply new technologies. With plant breeders, pathologists find disease resistant genetic materials from domesticated and wild varieties worldwide. New biotechnology techniques help them to quickly incorporate genetic resistance into crop varieties.

Plant pathologists seek safer and more effective pesticides, including biological controls, to protect crops until adequate genetic resistance is available. Plant pathologists also examine cultural techniques that reduce disease threats.
