2月. 22, 2024


学生在 NDSU的无国界工程师组织 serve communities throughout the world and obtain valuable knowledge and skills that lead to a successful career.

Mak先令, a senior civil engineering major from Hartford, 南达科塔州, joined the student organization to gain more experience outside of the classroom.

“While I enjoy the classes I have taken at NDSU, I wanted a challenge,席林说. “What I saw in EWB is a way to connect my learnings from class and developing a tangible project similar to what I will be doing once graduating.”

EWB-USA 是一个全国性的非盈利组织, service-based organization made up of 300 chapters focused on creating sustainable solutions for infrastructure needs around the world. 佩奇桑德斯, NDSU EWB分会主席, said the organization has three defining pillars: design, 连接和服务. 

“As students get involved with our organization, they are provided with the opportunity to design real-world projects, connect with peers and professionals in the engineering industry and serve communities locally and internationally,桑德斯说。, a sophomore environmental engineering major.

All the work done by NDSU’s chapter is 100% student-led, 包括筹款, 设计工作, calculations and documentation completed for each project. As president, Sanders’ primary responsibilities are to facilitate organization and 沟通. 桑德斯与学生密切合作, speaks with EWB international contacts in 危地马拉 and maintains 沟通 with professional mentors from AE2S, 工程咨询公司. 

Schilling, the structures lead with EWB, is responsible for organizing the design of projects. This includes completing detailed calculations, 设计指南, 施工图纸, along with anything else needed to complete a project.  

The students’ work is put toward a project that impacts a community. Currently students are working on a water distribution system for La Providencia, 危地马拉, located about two hours northwest of 危地马拉 City. 坐落在马德雷山脉, residents in La Providencia don’t have access to running water or electricity. Residents walk over three miles roundtrip to access a polluted spring, 哪一个是他们唯一的水源. 

The water distribution system will supply clean water to each household, serving over 400 residents throughout the next 20 years with minimal maintenance. Right now, the project is estimated to cost $31,000 and will be fully paid for by NDSU’s EWB chapter.

Select students are set to travel to La Providencia this academic year to assist in implementing the system. 一旦完成, EWB will start work on a new project in a different country, while also following-up on the water distribution system.  

Past projects entailed constructing a three-room school house, a community center and a water distribution system in Las Tablitas, 危地马拉. 除了他们的国际工作, students in EWB also work locally on K-12 educational projects. 

Sanders and Shillings said they have gained several skills from their involvement in EWB. Both have learned how to effectively communicate, work in professional settings and have become more detail-oriented. 

Achintya Bezbaruah, NDSU民政部的临时系主任, construction and environmental engineering and EWB adviser, said the skills and experience students get from EWB is valued by employers.   

“我们的学生学习团队合作, 沟通, design and project management through their involvement in EWB projects. These are skills all employers look for in an employee,” Bezbaruah said. “The skill set our students gather here is the key for successful careers.”

Having that experience to make a stellar resume has been a boost for Schilling, who recently interned with Black and Veatch in Bloomington, Minnesota as a civil substation structural intern.

“Anytime that I go to a career fair and employers see my involvement on campus that is all we talk about,席林说. “事实上, EWB specifically was the reason I got my internship last summer through my connection with the Minnesota Professional EWB chapter president.” 

Students from all disciplines are welcome to join EWB. 

“The majority of our leadership positions are currently held by sophomores. You don't need to be an upperclassman to change lives through engineering,” Sanders said. “Our organization is also 45 percent women, a statistic that you don't often see within engineering.”

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