


Safe and Healthy Eating During Pregnancy (FN657) 在怀孕期间, women are more vulnerable to food-borne illness because of hormone changes that lower immunity. 幸运的是, most cases of food-borne illness can be prevented by following the guidelines provided in this publication.

Safe Food for Babies and Children: A Guide for Babysitters - Babysitter Edition (FN662) Babysitting is a great way to earn money, help neighbors and gain job experience. 这也是一个很大的责任. When parents trust you to babysit, they are placing their children’s health and safety in your hands.

Safe Food for Babies and Children: A Guide for Babysitters - Parent Edition (FN663) As a parent, you most likely will need a babysitter to look after your children at some time. Infants and young children are especially vulnerable to foodborne illness, and even a small error in food preparation can cause severe illness. Making sure your babysitter is prepared to provide care safely will assure a positive experience for both you and your sitter.

Safe Food for Babies and Children: Choking Dangers (FN664) Every child is at risk of choking: Older infants and children less than 5 years old easily can choke on food, 玩具及家居用品. A single choking incident may result in death, permanent brain damage due to lack of oxygen and other complications associated with airway blockage. This publication provides tips on choking prevention.

Safe Food for Babies and Children: Heating Solid Food Safely (FN715) Whether warming bottles or solid foods, it is ALWAYS important to use safe heating practices to keep your baby happy and healthy. Although you may be an expert at feeding your little one, remember that babysitters and family members may not know how to heat bottles and food correctly. Leaving complete instructions in a handy location, 比如在冰箱门上, may help you and the caregiver feel comfortable and relaxed come feeding time.

A Parent's Guide to Juice: Fresh-squeezed Facts (FN1644) A balanced diet includes a variety of foods. Like foods, most beverages can fit into a healthful diet. 问题是, many children consume too much juice, 通常用来代替牛奶, 水, 水果或蔬菜. While most 100 percent fruit juices contain vitamin C and some minerals, they often lack the fiber that whole fruit contains.

Safe Food for Babies and Children: Introducing Solid Foods to Your Baby (FN1835) This handout provides general guidance for adding solid foods to the diet of your growing baby. Be sure to consult with your child’s health-care provider for additional information.