

Stuffed Pepper Soup in a large cup on table next to red and green peppers
Many people do not have a lot of time to devote to meal preparation. While many convenience foods are available, some are high in sodium or fat. You can make these foods more nutritious without doing a lot of work.
When deciding what to make for dinner, people usually consider taste, cost and convenience. Even if you have little time for meal preparation or live in a location with minimal cooking space, 你还是应该考虑营养问题.
探索零食的世界!Snacks provide nutrients that a breakfast, lunch or dinner may not include. Well-chosen snacks can refuel the body between those main meals. Enjoy a couple of daily snacks in smart-sized portions.
Eating a balanced diet doesn’t have to be a challenge for those who choose to follow a vegetarian diet. Using a variety of protein sources can add zest to dishes while keeping them healthful and hearty.
Imagine shopping for foods without the ability to compare prices, 目视检查农产品的新鲜度, or even safely travel to and from the grocery store. Envision coming home with groceries but not being able to see inside the…
The goal of this publication is to help volunteers prepare and serve food safely for large groups such as family reunions, 教堂的晚餐, and community gatherings — whether the food is prepared at the volunteer's home and brought to the…
One- and two-person households are a growing sector in North Dakota and the United States. 大约37%的U.S. two-person households (ages 45 to 64) were empty nesters. Eighty percent of those 65 and older were in two- or one-person…
你知道吗?? The microwave oven was invented when a scientist walked by a magnetron (experimental microwave tube) and the chocolate bar in his pocket melted. 微波会使食物具有放射性吗? No. 使用微波炉既快捷又简单……
Scandinavian immigrants brought many food traditions to North Dakota. You might be familiar with foods such as lutefisk, lefse, 瑞典肉丸, rømmegrøt, 腌鲱鱼, 腌甜菜, 黑麦面包和各种烘焙食品.
无论你的孩子是否超重, healthful eating and exercise are keys to personal well-being. 作为家长, you can take an active role and guide your child in the right direction to grow and pursue good health for a lifetime.
结果:141例中有21 ~ 30例 15


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